Acupuncture for Faster Workout Recovery and Injury Prevention

Whatever your New Year’s goals are this January, they are bound to include some increased exercise. Maybe this year you are training for a big event?  Or are you getting back into an exercise program after some time off?  One thing for sure is that it pays to take it slow. Overexertion leads to more than 40% of common exercise-related injuries.  So how do you up your game and prevent sprains and strains from setting you back? 

Acupuncture can drastically speed recovery from minor injuries associated with increasing your workouts.  A twinge does not have to progress into a full-blown tear or flare if you get regular acupuncture and/or cupping during training. TAC is here to help you stay pain-free and limber as you reach those milestones!  

The acupuncture sessions will focus on:

  • Reducing inflammation & swelling
  • Improving circulation for faster recovery
  • Muscle relaxation to prevent tightness and spasms
  • Boosting endorphins to diminish the nervous system’s pain response

Many find it helpful to get treated weekly or every other week depending on your exercise intensity while you ramp things up.  We have lots of tools to soothe sore muscles including acupuncture, cupping, gua sha, moxa and electrical acupuncture.  

The team at TAC will be training for the Spartan Race this June and you better believe we'll be treating each other frequently as we get ourselves in shape for this crazy 10 mile obstacle course!

Get Moving and Stay Strong in 2019!

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