Acupuncture for Optimal Pregnancy and Beyond

By Kolleen Mitchell, LAc

Pregnancy offers women a great opportunity to be in tune with the needs of their minds and bodies. Chinese medicine has a lot to offer when the physical or emotional strains are less than ideal. In this article we’ll look at the benefits of acupuncture during pregnancy and post-partum as well as give suggestions to keep you feeling great. Many moms-to-be continue “business as usual” once they achieve pregnancy and ultimately find their energy, emotional state, and health follow suit. It is important to listen to your intuition and eat when you need to eat, drink sufficient fluids throughout your day, manage and moderate stress, and rest appropriately. Whether you are working at home or in the office, paying attention to your health has never before been so important.

Acupuncture and Chinese medicine offer safe, natural health solutions during pregnancy and just before birth. Nausea, reflux, stress, back pain, rashes, depression, anxiety are some of the main issues that acupuncture addresses effectively. Women with nausea tend to have it in the first trimester and receive treatments once or twice weekly until symptoms resolve. For chronic issues that existed prior to pregnancy that have become worse or continued during pregnancy may require a more regular treatment plan.

For example, migraines during pregnancy are treated weekly for 4-6 weeks and once results are achieved patients go on a plan to maintain the results. One of major strengths of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture is that both the mind and body are addressed in treatments. One demonstration of this is with pain during pregnancy. We choose strategic acupuncture points to resolve the pain but also to calm any emotional distress that has accompanied and often exacerbates the pain itself. The mind body connection is honored and integrated into each treatment. Every mother-to-be has different needs and your practitioner will customize your treatment to reflect and meet those needs.

Pregnant patients planning to have a successful, vaginal birth generally begin to receive acupuncture at week 37. Many midwives and OBs will refer patients for acupuncture at this point given that other health factors are in balance. We use points to encourage the body’s natural initiation of the birth process. These points can help gently support cervical dilation, and at the due date uterine contractions. The points used when a pregnancy is reaching term are different than points chosen in early pregnancy. Post-partum acupuncture serves as a tool in dealing with issues of mastitis, lochial retention, insufficient lactation, thrush etc. Here at Triangle Acupuncture Clinic all of our practitioners have training in treating pregnancy related issues and we would be happy to advise you on how acupuncture can play an important role in supporting a healthy, natural pregnancy and childbirth.

Self care can mean different things to different people but there are some basics that most directly correlate with your sense of well being and reflected in your energies to participate in the world. Food and water… seems basic right? Regular eating patterns of highly nutritious foods will help maintain blood sugar levels and keep you from ending up in a ravenous, weakened state. Many women who experience increase in migraines during pregnancy will find a direct connection with what they have eaten (or not) and their pain. Water. It is now time to really find those 8 – 8oz. glasses of purified water. Try to avoid water in plastic if possible because of the now recognized effects of dioxins released from the plastic into the water. Reverse osmosis and spring water are good choices and are now more available in glass bottles.

Arguably the most important aspect of self care during pregnancy is to address and moderate life’s stressors. It is enough that the body is nurturing more than one life now but external stressors can exacerbate negative issues during pregnancy. One way many new moms-to-be help regularly manage stress is through a regular pre-natal yoga class. It is great to try a few different pre-natal yoga classes and find one that feels good to you. This can be a wonderful support all the way up through labor. Make sure your midwife or OB feels good about it and sign up! Pre-natal yoga classes should be taught by certified yoga instructors specializing in pregnancy technique. This is also a wonderful tool to maintain an open pelvis when coming closer to your due date.

Supplements during pregnancy are essential but never take the place of good, healthy foods. Food is our medicine and our energy is reflected in what we put into our bodies. Chinese medicine recommends eating a seasonal variety of foods and making sure what you are eating agrees with you. Organic foods are optimal when possible as to avoid pesticides exposures. Plenty of healthy proteins such as antibiotic free, free range, grass fed (beef) meats. Seafood should be eaten with care as to heavy metal content. Generally speaking, the smaller the fish and the colder the water from which it comes from the better. Larger fish like halibut, tuna, farm-raised salmon, farm raised shellfish, etc may contain high amounts of toxins, heavy metals and often PCBs. Too many raw vegetables may be hard to digest so lightly cook or steam them for easy digestion and to optimize your nutrient absorption. Avoid artificial sweeteners and sugars that are refined. Ice cream cravings are inevitable but try to choose brands that have only non-refined cane sugars. We are so fortunate to have so many choices in our foods and when sharing with your baby consider making even healthier choices.

As for the supplements you do take, it is optimal to choose a food based pre-natal vitamin that is easy to absorb. Food based means that the ingredients are derived from food sources and not extracted from chemical by-products. A second supplement that may radically benefit mom and baby is getting a good Omega-3 supplement. Fish oil is the most bio-available for humans but needs to be chosen carefully as lesser quality brands may have heavy metal contaminants. Fish oil naturally contains the essential fatty acids we need like EPA and DHA which must be acquired in our foods because our bodies do not produce them on their own. These are, as the name states, essential to many of the body’s inflammatory responses, neurological functions, hormonal functions, and healthy circulation as well a very important to a developing baby. If you were not previously as aware of where you foods come from, this is a great opportunity to make healthy shifts that will serve you and your family life long.

These 9 months of our lives should feel like a time we can embrace and enjoy each and every moment. Taking time for self care is an amazing way to fully enjoy this time as it passes in a blink of an eye. The time you take to eat well, rest, and find fulfilling activity and social interactions will be reflected in your sense of well being and in the health of your pregnancy.

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