Time for Bone Broth! A Recipe for Essential Soup Stock
Ancient civilizations and cultures around the world knew that a good soup stock was the key to health. Not only do they add rich and wonderful flavors to our meals, they are extremely nutritious, adding protein, electrolytes and vital minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium to our diet. A home-made stock is invaluable—add them to stir-fries, cooking water for rice or vegetables, sauces and more—and offer ways of getting more nutrition out of your food, without spending extra money. Not only that, having home-made stocks at home is the time-tested, best way to treat a little one’s cold or flu (our grandmothers new a thing or two about that didn’t they?)! A prepared or packaged broth is often inferior because they may contain sugars, too much sodium, vegetable oils or thickening agents, all of which may detract from, or even denature, the meals to which they are added.