Schedule Embryo Transfer Acupuncture
For decades studies have shown acupuncture to have a positive effect on live birth rates when treatments are given before and after the embryo is transferred during an IVF cycle. At Triangle Acupuncture Clinic we have a team of acupuncturists who specialize in using acupuncture and herbal medicine to enhance your natural fertility.
We do on-site embryo transfer treatments at Atlantic Reproductive Medicine Specialists and Duke Fertility Center. Our Raleigh clinic is conveniently located one block down the street from Carolina Conceptions on Lake Boone Trail so we can easily accommodate your before and after embryo transfer treatments any day of the week in our office.
Here is how to schedule acupuncture for your embryo transfer:
- Call or stop by our front desk to let them know the date of your transfer. Even if it is just an estimated date, please let us know as soon as possible so we can plan ahead and secure an acupuncturist to attend. Call the Raleigh office at 919-854-7311.
- If you are a patient at Atlantic Reproductive Medicine or Duke Fertility Center, you must give us at least 48 hours notice of your transfer date. This must be scheduled by you with our front desk team, the fertility clinics do not schedule these appointments for you. In the unlikely circumstance that we do not have an available provider, we will set up appointments for you in our office before and after your transfer.
- If you are a Carolina Conceptions patient, your appointments will be scheduled before and after your transfer in our Raleigh office location.
- Cost for on-site embryo transfer treatments before and after your transfer is $250. If your appointments are scheduled in our office, each treatment is $105.
We know that your embryo transfer day is already very stressful and important! Please follow the directions above to help us make sure your day goes as smoothly as possible!
For more information on how acupuncture helps with infertility please click here: Triangle Acupuncture Clinic- Infertility Acupuncture.