TAC Turns 10!

TAC will be 10 years old in March! In preparation for this big event, we are going to design t-shirts and we need help thinking of a great t-shirt slogan. We've decided to make it a contest and get…

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Breast Cancer Awareness Month at TAC

Many of you may be aware of our relationship with the Cornucopia Cancer Support Center; for the past 9 years we have donated free acupuncture treatments to people who use Cornucopia's services. In…

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Fall and Chinese Medicine

By Toby Helmstetter, LAc I recently spent a weekend in the Blue Ridge Mountains where fall was beginning to settle. The air, though not exactly cooler, felt clear, and the the light was definitely…

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A Recipe for All

By Katherine Rowe, LAc My family just recently moved into a new house and we have had a busy summer of entertaining friends and family as they come to enjoy our new digs. What’s been interesting is…

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September Product of the Month

By Tory Wegner, LAc ?Fish oil is one of the top selling supplements in the U.S., and with good reason! Fish oils contain omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahecaenoic acid (DHA).…

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August Product of the Month

By Tory Wegner, LAc The hormone system of the body is a beautiful yet complex set of processes that help keep the body running optimally. Unfortunately, hormone imbalance is a common cause for illness…

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Welcome Kalpana!

We have a new face at the front desk in Raleigh! Kalpana comes to us with a background in spa management and massage therapy. Her experience and professional, positive demeanor make her a perfect fit…

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Home-made Power Bars

By Toby Helmstetter, LAc I love power bars but hate buying them. I love them because they are quick, generally have all the important constituents of a snack such as fat, protein, and a little bit of…

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July Product of the Month

By Tory Wegner, LAc It’s another hot July here in North Carolina. It’s great time for seasonal salads and enjoying some smoothies made with the abundance of fresh fruit that is available. It seems…

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Dry Needling vs. Acupuncture

By Chris Helmstetter, LAc Dry needling is a hot topic in the acupuncture world right now. Why? Currently, all over the United States, Physical Therapists are using a technique called “dry…

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Welcome Paura! Goodbye Kim!

Don't panic! Kim's just going on maternity leave. Her official due date is the end of June, but if you've been to the Chapel Hill office lately you know it looks like she might go early. But we don't…

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