Restricted Diets and the Holidays

By Toby Helmstetter, LAc We have several patients at TAC that are on some kind of a restricted diet. Certain health conditions require some kind of dietary modification by eliminating one or several…

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Power Mushrooms?  On Sale?!

We believe in Power Mushrooms so much, we've got a special winter-time deal on them. If you purchase a bottle of either Cold Away or Flu Ban (good stock for your herbal medicine cabinet), you can get…

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Rolled Oats Made Quick!

With the colder weather, it's nice to wake up and have a hot breakfast. Not only that, but a warm, cooked breakfast is healthier for your digestion than a cold one. Why? According to Chinese medicine,…

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Getting to Know You….

In the next several newsletters, we'll be presenting a new type of article: an interview! We've come up with 6 questions for each of our acupuncturists to answer about themselves. Questions we thought…

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Introducing Ren!

TAC has a new addition to the front desk: Ren Englum! Recently relocated from Maryland, Ren comes to us with a background in herbalism and solar energy (and not to mention a bright and sunny…

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Book Review:  Radical Acceptance

Have you noticed that when you have a strong emotion—anger, fear, sadness—it is often accompanied by a strong sense of judgment and self-reproach? It seems it is never enough to just have a…

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Are You Ready For Flu Season?

By Toby Helmstetter, LAc Are you ready for flu season? We are! Whether you’ve chosen to get vaccinated or not, a little extra prevention during flu season goes a long way. There are so many easy…

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Fall Allergies?  Get Ready Now!

Do you suffer from fall allergies? If so, the time to treat them is now—before your symptoms actually start to develop. The key with allergies is a two-pronged attack: boost the immune system to…

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Beat the Heat:  Lu Dou Tang

By Tory Wegner, LAc I’m sure nobody will be too shocked to hear that June had 23 days of temperatures above 90 degrees, the hottest June on record since World War II! July and August haven’t been…

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