Detoxifying From Estrogen Overload

By Katherine Rowe, LAc, FABORM Both women and men have and need to have adequate levels of estrogen in our systems to carry out normal hormonal function. Because our environment and food supply are…

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Detoxification Through Massage Therapy

By Carlota Reyes, LMBT Massage therapy is a remarkable tool that is abundant with benefits. A good massage soothes tense muscles, encourages the healing of physical and emotional injuries, lowers…

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Pediatrics in Chinese Medicine

By Kolleen Mitchell, LAc Pediatric health concerns have been addressed by Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for thousands of years. Children are thought to have more pure and less complicated…

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Corn-Fed vs. Grass-Fed (Pastured) Beef

By Julie Hutsell, LAc Did you even know that you had a choice? Until a few years ago, I didn’t. You hear so much about the delicious marbled beef from corn-fed cows, that I didn’t know we had…

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All-Day Beef Stew

By Toby Helmstetter, LAc Every New Year, many of my patients want to "turn over a new leaf" in terms of their diet and nutrition. I'm always excited to help people figure out ways to eat healthily…

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Multivitamin 101

By Tory Wegner, LAc When it comes to vitamins and nutrients, it is best to get them from food, but it can be hard to get adequate amounts due to poor food choices, poor food quality, and not eating…

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Healthy Digestion and Chinese Medicine

By Katherine Rowe, LAc Have we forgotten what good digestion feels like? Gas, gurgling, constipation and diarrhea are such common daily struggles that we don’t even register them as health concerns…

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