Welcome Paura! Goodbye Kim!

Don't panic! Kim's just going on maternity leave. Her official due date is the end of June, but if you've been to the Chapel Hill office lately you know it looks like she might go early. But we don't want to jinx her! We are so excited for Kim and her family and their new baby girl on the way. We think we've got the office ready for her departure, but then again, Kim IS irreplaceable! She'll be gone for 3 months and then back to us sometime in September. Best wishes to Kim!
Lucky for us, we've hired an amazing woman to work at the front desk. Paura comes to us with a wide and varied background, working with different populations all over the world. She grew up in a home where acupuncture was a familiar subject, and now she brings her love of alternative medicine and her wonderful people skills to TAC. She has a calm and peaceful presence and we're so excited to have her here. Welcome Paura!