Acupuncture Political Action Update
Last year you may remember our efforts to educate our patients about the threats the profession of acupuncture was under regarding dry needling and an uncertain future for our licensing board. We are happy to report that we have had a good year so far as the 2017 legislative session comes to an end.
The lobbyist representing the NCAAOM has been hard at work and continues to monitor bills that affect the licensed acupuncturist’s scope of practice. There have been several opportunities throughout the year to meet with committee chairs and bill sponsors to explain the importance of acupuncture within our health system and how it needs protected.
Acupuncturists have also been meeting one on one with their local representatives and senators. This solid personal connection between the acupuncturists and their legislators offers a prime venue to explain the issues affecting our profession in NC and garner their support.
Most recently on May 24th, NC acupuncturists volunteered to promote acupuncture awareness and educate the legislature on our medicine and it’s benefits at the annual Acupuncture Awareness Day at the NC legislature. With chairs and tables set up in the hall, many acupuncture treatments were provided to legislators, staff members, aides and lobbyists. It was a great success and provided an awesome introduction to those who work in the legislature.
We just wanted you all to know that progress was made this year and the network of friends and supporters of acupuncture within the legislature is growing. Thank you for your continued support of the acupuncture profession in North Carolina!