Back to School with Tai Qi and Qi Gong
Fall is a busy time of year but also the time to set new schedules and resume positive routines. As kids get back into the swing of going to school and learning new ideas we can follow them into new classes. And have fun doing it! A good idea to think about is enrolling in a Qi Gong or Tai Qi class. Both have several positive health benefits and are easy to access.
The National Institute of Health notes that people who practice them improve balance, co-ordination, and flexibility, can improve sleep, boost their immune system, ease stiff muscular pain and reduce high blood pressure. The NIH is currently conducting studies on their use in reducing stress and increasing physical endurance in adult cancer survivors. While Western research is now pin-pointing the exact health benefits it is widely acknowledged that they increase overall health while decreasing daily stress levels.
We are fortunate in this area to have several opportunities to take classes in either Tai Qi or Qi Gong. They are commonly offered at gyms, health clubs, community centers and medical practices. We take and recommend classes through the Magic Tortoise School, which offers many different types of classes in several locations throughout the Triangle. The teachers have studied with masters in Asia and have several decades of practice teaching full time. They offer authentic instruction that is open to beginners of all fitness levels and have a great ability to explain what to do and how to do it.
So what will you be doing exactly? Well, Qi Gong translates as “the achievement or skill that comes from the practice of energy.” It is the combination of simple movements, breathing exercises and mental imagery. It usually involves holding specific postures, focusing on internal aspects of the body (releasing muscle tension, breathing deeper, thinking less) while breathing sequences are repeated. Tai Qi is similar in that it translates as “ultimate or big energy” and also uses breathing techniques and simple movements. But Tai Qi involves continuous fluid movements that create a sequence of motions matched with slow breathing.
Both have long histories and are practiced worldwide by millions of people to decrease tension and improve vitality. So follow the kids and get back to school with a class that will have you feeling healthier and more relaxed heading into Fall.