Acupuncture for Advanced Maternal Age

Advanced maternal age (AMA; defined as women over 35) can present challenges when trying to conceive due to factors such as declining egg quality and quantity; it can also be a discouraging label for…

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Acupuncture, Women’s Health

Acupuncture for Runners (and Others)

Running elicits either a love it or hate it response from most people.  There is nothing quite like the runner’s high you get after a good workout, but it is definitely hard work for your…

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Articles, Acupuncture, Wellness Tips

Allergy Relief for You!

You can practically taste it there is so much tree pollen in the air here in central North Carolina.  If you are not one of the lucky few who slides through spring without suffering from…

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Acupuncture, Wellness Tips, Chinese Herbal Medicine

Acupuncture and Cancer Treatment

In the last decade, the most esteemed cancer centers have been utilizing the benefits of acupuncture as a complementary adjuvant to the rigors of chemo and radiation.  They have found that…

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Articles, Acupuncture, Wellness Tips

Acupuncture for Knee Pain

Knee pain can be a major life disruptor.  If walking is difficult, you may even limit the places you go based on whether or not using stairs is required or it takes a lot of walking to get…

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Articles, Acupuncture, Wellness Tips

What is an acupuncture treatment like?

Getting acupuncture for the first time is usually a little intimidating for most people.  After all, it is portrayed in the media with great glee as hundreds of tiny scary needles stuck all over…

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Articles, Acupuncture, FAQ

Had Enough Back Pain?  Try Acupuncture.

Nearly every single person will experience back pain at some point in their lives.  Sometimes minor and sometimes very severe.  Even minor back pain can slow you down and chronic back pain…

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Articles, Acupuncture, Wellness Tips
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