Fish oil is one of the top selling supplements in the U.S., and with good reason! Fish oils contain omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahecaenoic acid (DHA). EPA and DHA are called “essential fatty acids,” which means that the body needs them but can’t produce them on it’s own, so the fats must be consumed to help the body operate properly. Even if you eat fish regularly, it’s a good idea to take a fish oil supplement to ensure adequate amounts.
Chinese Herbal Medicine has several SAFE, NATURAL and EFFECTIVE treatments that you can HAVE ON HAND if you start experiencing symptoms of a cold or flu!
We are offering this handy set of 3 appropriate herbal remedies for cold and flu season for 25% off for the months of November and December! Here's what it includes....
Is your digestive system running smoothly? Do you experience reflux, constipation, or loose stool? Do you have trouble with gas, bloating, or digestive discomfort? If so, you might benefit from supplementing with a probiotic.
Natural Calm is a highly absorbable magnesium supplement. Magnesium is an important nutrient that is used by muscles, organs (including the heart and kidneys), contributes to the makeup of teeth and bones, activates enzymes, and is part of energy production. Even though you can get magnesium from many foods including whole grains, nuts, and green vegetables, many people are deficient in magnesium and positively benefit from the right kind of supplementation. Natural Calm is a very popular magnesium supplement because it restores healthy magnesium levels and balances calcium intake, which ultimately results in natural stress relief--who doesn’t want that?!
July in North Carolina is a beautiful time of year and the perfect time to take advantage of all the seasonal fruits and vegetables by enjoying salads and homemade smoothies. It seems fitting that the featured product for July is Smart Basics organic Goji Juice. Goji berries have been recognized for centuries in Asia for their high nutrient content and powerful antioxidant properties. Goji berries or gou qi zi is a common herbal medicinal in Traditional Chinese Medicine that is used to nourish and tonify the yin and blood of the body.