Digestive Enzymes
Digestive enzymes are more than the natural equivalent of "Tums." They are an essential component to good nutrition. Enzymes are catalysts for all of the millions of chemical reactions that take place in the body. They help digest, metabolize and repair at the cellular level. Research has shown that people who have a chronic disease or have low energy levels also have lower enzyme content in their blood, urine, and tissues. Only recently have researchers begun to surmise that a person may not have low enzyme content because he is sick or old, but instead, the reason a person may be sick or old is because of low enzyme content!
The three primary categories of digestive enzymes are protease, amylase and lipase used to break down proteins, carbohydrates and fats, respectively. They are mainly found in the stomach and work to digest our food. We can consume a perfect diet but if our body cannot properly break foods down, a whole host of health problems will result.
Taking a digestive enzyme supplement with each meal may help with common conditions such as indigestion, heartburn, constipation and diarrhea, high cholesterol, obesity, and fatigue. Doing so regularly for several weeks can work to reduce these common symptoms by managing the underlying problem. We recommend digestive enzymes frequently to our patients at Triangle Acupuncture Clinic and have some preferred brands in stock. Talk to your practitioner if you have any questions regarding the benefits of digestive enzymes for your health.