Happy Chinese New Year! The Year of the Horse
By Kim Boomhower, LMBT
The 2014 Chinese Lunar year begins on Friday, January 31. In the Chinese Zodiac, those born in the lunar years 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, and 2014 are born in the sign of the Horse. Each zodiac animal is paired with one of the Five Elements. This is the year of the Green Wood Horse (Jia Wu, in Chinese). The last year of the Wood Horse was 1954. Let’s talk about Horse characteristics in general, then we’ll see how the Wood element of this year enhances it for 2014.
Those born in the year of the Horse tend to be very verbally astute, quick witted and charming. Lovers of freedom, they are independent and prefer to always be on the move with places to go and people to see. Leadership roles come naturally to the decisive and competitive Horse, often endowed with strong communication skills, though they must watch their tendency to be impatient and impulsive. Horses love to roam where they choose and need lots of room to explore.
A Brief Synopsis of the Wood Horse Year
During fiery Horse years, the Yang force is at it’s peak, which requires action and movement. The Wood element is associated with the birth of Yang in Five Element Theory, making this Wood Horse year an intense one! Wood gives us a sense of purpose and direction, and allows us to express our true nature and manifest ourselves in the world. The Horse gives us the power and determination to achieve it. In other words, the Wood element is fuel for the Horse’s fire. Not since the 2010 year of the Tiger has there been such a high level of physical activity on the horizon, making this year an important one to keep a watchful eye on safety and health. Travel, voyages and many changes tend to occur in Horse years, which can be detrimental to finances if not kept in check. The key to a successful year will be balance in all things--diet, activity, rest, work and money. All signs should be extra cautious to avoid burnout in this exciting year of going and doing.
2014 will be an enterprising year when entrepreneurial efforts and small businesses can flourish. Most signs will move forward both confidently and quickly. Lively debates pepper Horse years as the steed is the supreme "orator" and speech-maker of the zodiac. Life should look a little more optimistic during the cheerful Horse's reign, with less reason to worry. Due to the Horse’s natural inclination for humanitarianism, 2014 should also bring with it much opportunity to be in a helping position for others, and to affect social change on a large scale.
Horse years are notorious historical turning points for many signs. Turbulent, untamed, and chaotic, every 12 years the Horse comes around asking the question, "Are you awake?"
Forecasts for 2014
Horse. Born in 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
This year is predicted to be a relatively good year for Horse people, but it is highly advised to practice being quiet and patient. Horses will find good supportive energy for most of their endeavours, but the key is to be patient and wait for the best timing. Restraining their competitive spirits will be a challenge for the Horse, but being able to do so and accepting help from others will help Horses get a great deal done in 2014. Overall, this will be a very pleasant and enjoyable year for the Horse with much to do and much to learn--taking plenty of time out for self care is vital this busy year.
Rat. Born in: 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
As the Rat is the conflict animal of the Horse, 2014 is considered to be a bit challenging for Rats. With last year also being bit of a challenge, it is important for Rats to develop patience and be careful not to exhaust their energy. This year can present Rats with many clashing energy scenarios, especially at work, so remaining calm and cautious is key. This is a good year for Rats to network and to strengthen relationships that support and nourish them.
Ox. Born in: 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
The Wood Horse energy of 2014 is considered to be very good for the hardworking Ox. Career success can be good for Oxen this year, but care should be taken not to take on too many professional responsibilities. Being mindful about monitoring energy levels and avoiding burnout is the name of the game this year. Working on trust and openness issues seems to be an on-going issue with Ox people in relationships, and 2014 will give them plenty of opportunities to do just that! If the Oxen are able to accept change and learn to adapt at the beginning of the year, they will do well in 2014 and could see many good opportunities throughout the year.
Tiger. Born in: 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
The Wood Horse energy of 2014 will be excellent for the Tiger, considerably better than last year. However, it is still very important for Tigers to be cautious and keep their feet on the ground, no matter how much success may be achieved this year. The Tiger will need to put some effort into their actions during the year, which will help them to move forward. Vibrant health and great energy is in store for the vivacious Tiger, however it is wise to make a point of staying grounded and not getting too carried away.
Rabbit. Born in: 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Very good energy is predicted for Rabbit people in 2014. This is a year for big opportunity and much awaited events. Rabbits will enjoy a year of vibrant health and many good career prospects. Remembering to make any changes this year in a thoughtful manner will be helpful for Rabbits, as they may become frustrated at times with the pace of the year--there will be a lot to handle at once in 2014! Overall, the year of the Horse is promising for the Rabbit but they will need to keep an eye on their spending and be sure not to tire themselves out from the stress of added work and too many social events.
Dragon. Born in: 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
The Wood Horse energy of 2014 is predicted to be challenging for those born in a Dragon year. By being careful and cautious, Dragons can turn this challenging energy into a beneficial one. Risk taking isn’t recommended during this year. In fact Dragons may find they can achieve a great deal by taking it easy--not a simple task for the determined and self-reliant Dragon.
Snake. Born in: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
2014 can be varied for Snakes, as this fast-paced Horse year can be unsettling to easy going Snakes. Trying to spend as much time as possible with loved ones and building strong bonds in relationships can help to fortify and restore Snakes who have lost their ‘footing’ this year. Again, as with many other signs in 2014, self-care is crucial for balance and success.
Goat. Born in: 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
Goats are expected to have an excellent 2014. With career growth and recognition expected this year, the wise Goat will do well to stay relaxed and humble. The year of the Horse holds many opportunities for Goats and this will be a year where they have the option to make this either a very satisfying and productive year or also a calm and relaxed one.
Monkey. Born in: 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
A very good year is in store for Monkey people. Many opportunities to create wealth, to travel more and to soar in their career will be there for Monkeys this year. Lively Monkeys will want want to make the most of the year and there will be many aspects where they are able to thrive, but there is also the risk of overworking themselves in the year of the Horse. Overall, this is a rewarding year for the Monkey if they are mindful and are able to open up to others in personal relationships.
Rooster. Born in: 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Roosters will continue to experience excellent luck going into the Horse year. Balance is always a challenge for the Rooster, but being mindful of the need to balance the strong yang energy with the gentle and nourishing yin energy is the key to absolute success this year. Roosters’ amazing organizational skills will help them out a huge amount in the year of the Horse and they will find that they enter the year fully prepared for whatever lays ahead.
Dog. Born in: 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
A mixture of energies is expected for Dogs in 2014. Taking good care of themselves, and not reacting to negative people or events will help Dogs to experience an excellent year. Financial situations have the potential to improve as well as career successes. Optimistic Dogs know that their perspective goes a long way in shaping outcomes, therefore staying focused on the positive will help them to enjoy this Horse year, regardless of what comes their way in 2014.
Pig. Born in: 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
A good year is in store for Pigs, with plenty of auspicious energy, especially if Pigs can learn to make the best of all opportunities coming their way in 2014. Looking within, trusting their judgement and taking care not to exhaust themselves in this hectic year will help Pigs take advantage of the many opportunities that will come their way, in both personal relationships as well as professionally. There will be many great moments and opportunities for Pigs to develop themselves. The wise Pig will focus on strengthening and replenishing their energy to withstand the demands of the Horse year.