Liquid Iron

Constipation and digestive upset from taking women’s multivitamins and prenatals is rampant and must be stopped!! Most of the digestive complaints are due to the iron contained within the vitamin pill. Our bodies can only absorb about 20% of the iron contained in a pill and even in that process we end up with nausea, gas, bloating and constipation. When the iron is in liquid form it is absorbed at a rate of 98% and very easily digested causing no side effects such as constipation. Floradix, a product you can find online or at natural food stores like Whole Foods, is a liquid composed of vegetarian food-based iron as well as B and C vitamins for optimal absorption. If you are preparing for pregnancy, we recommend a high quality multivitamin, Floradix and extra Folic Acid. Taking three things separately may seem like a lot but you will eliminate digestive upset and ensure that your body is absorbing all of its nutrients this way.

What are the common signs of iron deficiency?

  • Fatigue and general lack of energy
  • Decreased ability to concentrate
  • Decreased endurance during exercise
  • Increased frequency of infection — colds/flu
  • Paleness and/or dark circles under the eyes
  • Brittle hair and nails
  • Cold hands and feet

Iron deficiency and anemia have also been linked to PMS, depression, decreased fertility and complications in pregnancy. If you have heavy periods then you should take a low dose iron regularly. Surprisingly, most medical doctors are unaware of Floradix so educate yourself and spread the word! When you’re pregnant, constipation is a natural side effect of the elevated hormones; we don’t need to further that misery by taking a prenatal with iron that we can’t digest! Floradix has a pleasant taste and is a stellar product for anyone suffering from iron deficiency.

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