Learning to Meditate with CD’s and DVD’s

As the year comes to an end and the next begins, many of us are through experiencing the normal stressors of the holidays and are getting back to work in the New Year. This is always a wonderful opportunity to make happen all of the things we want in our lives; to begin new patterns that will bring us more fulfillment and happiness both at home and at work. Many of us promise ourselves every year to simplify and find less stressful ways to live our lives. One way to achieve this is through meditation. Used for thousands of years all over the world, meditation is a mind-body practice that focuses on quieting the mind and calming our bodies. It can be a non-denominational practice that brings about a more relaxed, focused, and balanced life.

There are many types of meditation, each using various techniques such as posture, focused attention, and open attitude towards distractions to achieve a quiet mind. Meditation may be practiced for a wide variety of reasons, not only to create peace of mind but it may also improve psychological balance and the ability to cope with great stressors and it can enhance overall wellness.

Almost anyone can benefit from meditation. The National Centers for Complimentary and Alternative Medicine states recent research showing direct correlations with meditation and the following:

  • relieving stress on the body
  • reducing frequency and intensity of hot flashes in menopausal women
  • relieving symptoms of chronic back pain
  • improving attention-related abilities (focusing, prioritizing)
  • relieving asthma symptoms

Meditation can be done on your own or with the assistance of guided imagery on CD. In a guided meditation, the author audibly leads the listener through a meditation of a particular theme such as images or places, or awareness of the breath and body sensations. These can be short or long and all have the same purpose: to guide you to a quiet place where you can relax your sympathetic nervous system and take a break from the daily "fight or flight" stress response. Whether just sitting quietly on your own or listening to a meditation CD, by taking just a few minutes wherever you are to simply focus on slow, deep inhalations and exhalations you can actually slow your own heart rate. Moderating stress responses is vital to not only our well-being but to our immune system health, digestive function, and even our social interactions. Learning some simple techniques either through a class, book or DVD can truly change your quality of life.

For general stress, chronic illness, pain, and emotional issues Dr. Weil's series of meditations provide helpful and life-long lessons. Dr. Weil is a Harvard graduate who has dedicated his practice to integrative health. For patients who are embarking on a fertility journey, Anji Inc. offers guided imagery with a variety of woman-focused themes. Health Journeys is a wonderful resource for guided imagery for specific conditions like cancer, weight loss, depression, PTSD and many more. Most companies offer audio samples on their websites to ensure you like the voice and style of each author.

Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine incorporate techniques of Qi Gong breathing and eastern styles of meditation as part of its ancient medicine (for more information on Qi Gong, see our September 2009 newsletter). Your acupuncturist may recommend a class or some type of meditative practice to compliment your treatments and help bring about more sustainable results.

Bring in this New Year with a quiet mind and peaceful heart by finding some form of meditation to incorporate into your everyday. We can all be much more productive, conscious, peaceful, and healthy by simply finding some time in the day to take a few minutes to meditate.

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