Visualizing a Springtime Goal

Springtime always inspires us to do a little growing and changing inside ourselves, as well as outside in our gardens. If you have a goal in mind—whether for your home, your body, your family or your work—here is a simple meditation to help you visualize and actualize your goal before it even happens.

Sit or lie in a comfortable position. Take a few slow, deep breaths, feeling your feet on the ground, your sit-bones beneath you, your back touching the chair or bed. Then imagine a big, blank movie screen in front of you. Attached to the bottom of that screen is what we’ll call a “grounding cord,” a big, hollow cord that connects the screen to the earth beneath it. Now, see on the screen projected in front of you the goal you are trying to obtain. Watch as the scene unfolds, seeing each moment with clarity and comfort. For instance, if your goal is to plant a successful vegetable garden this year, visualize and watch each step on the screen—see yourself going to the market to buy the plants; see yourself getting home and putting them in the ground; see yourself pulling weeds and watering and tending to the garden; see yourself in the sunshine, enjoying the warm weather and watching your vegetables grow. Continue to visualize each step of the process until you see yourself reaching your goal. In our example, you would follow the ‘movie’ all the way to the end, seeing yourself pick a perfect tomato from the vine and eating it.

Now, as you watch your ‘movie’ you’ll probably notice some negative thoughts arising. For instance, as you plant your garden, you might catch yourself thinking, “Oh, I do this every year and it never results in a good crop,” or, as you pull weeds you think, “Ugh, I shouldn’t do this, it’ll hurt my back!” Here’s where your grounding cord comes in. As each negative thought arises, simply notice it and drain it out of the screen, down the cord and into the earth. Each time you notice thoughts that make you doubt that you can reach your goal, just gently send them down the cord and into the earth.

Finally, when your movie is complete, take a moment to see the last scene in a good and positive light. Really relish and enjoy the fact that in your movie, you’ve obtained your goal. Take a few deep, joyful breaths and surround yourself and your movie screen with a warm, golden light. Then, open your eyes and celebrate the victory of reaching your goal in advance!

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