Hypnosis for Childbirth
If you are a mom-to-be and are considering having a natural childbirth, or are hoping to postpone the use of drug-interventions during the birth, then hypnosis during childbirth may be the perfect thing for you! There are several schools on what’s known as “Hypnobirthing,” and one in particular can be found right here in the Triangle area called Hypnobabies. Self-hypnosis and guided hypnosis are used to help you go into a safe and gentle trace-like state to remain calm, relaxed and pain-free during the birthing process. This month’s Meditation Station will give you a basic taste of some of the wisdom behind Hypnobabies, and for more information you can visit www.hypnobabies.com.
One of the main premises of hypnobirthing is to change our deeply rooted, pre-conceived notions that childbirth is painful. In fact, it is possible to have a pain-free and comfortable childbirth without the use of epidurals or narcotics, simply by keeping yourself in a deeply relaxed, hypnotic state. You will be fully conscious during the birth, but the tools and images you develop during your training in hypnobirthing will help keep you relaxed and at ease throughout.
The other premise of hypnobirthing is to re-train our mind to expect a comfortable and relaxed birthing experience. If you are pregnant now, you can incorporate the following affirmations into your daily routine to help you on your way to a very positive and easy birth!
Start by sitting or lying in a comfortable position. Inhale deeply to the count of 4 and then slowly exhale to the count of 8. Breathing in: 1…2…3…4….Breathing out: 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8….Do this a few more times until you feel centered and calm. Then begin to slowly read or have someone read the following affirmations to you while you repeat them aloud or to yourself.
Pregnancy is natural, normal, healthy and safe for me and my baby
My baby is healthy and strong
My body is healthy and whole
I have complete confidence that my body is working perfectly
I enjoy preparing for my baby’s birth
I am becoming more and more comfortable with my body, more and more ready for my baby’s wonderful birth
I allow only positive messages about birth into my mind
I deserve a fast, easy and comfortable birthing
I believe in myself
I am in complete control of my body and mind
I feel very calm, confident and at ease about pregnancy and childbirth
Birth is a safe and wonderful experience for me and my baby
My baby will be born healthy and at the perfect time
My body is made to give birth easily and comfortably
During my wonderful birthing-time I will be completely relaxed and comfortable
During my comfortable and easy birthing-time, with every breath I exhale, I relax more and more deeply
I deserve a comfortable, easy birthing
I have courage, faith and patience
I now feel inner peace and serenity
When you are finished, take a few more deep breaths and gently bring yourself back to present awareness.