Naturally Detoxifying Vegetable Broth

By Toby Helmstetter, LAc
After all the sweets and partying, staying up late and exhaustion, I can't tell you how many people want to "detox" after the holidays. Chinese medicine is not a big fan of fasting, juicing, or herbal detoxification, especially in winter when our bodies need warmth and support, not deprivation. Bieler's Broth is a simple, delicious vegetable soup that naturally detoxifies as it nourishes.
The vegetables in it are cooling and cleansing, and when eaten in combination over a course of several days, have a detoxifying effect. Not only that, but it is quick and easy to make. Over the years, I have used Bieler's Broth to give me the same benefits of a detox, without having to starve myself or take any harsh herbs. Combine it with a whole-foods diet of healthy protein, veggies and grains, take a little break from sugar, caffeine and alcohol, and you've got yourself the perfect winter detox!
Bieler’s Broth
- 4 medium zucchini squash, chopped
- 1 pound green beans, trimmed
- 2 sticks celery, chopped
- 2 bunches parsley, stems removed and leaves chopped roughly
- filtered water
- good quality sea salt
Combine all vegetables and herbs in a large soup pot and cover with water. Bring to a boil, skim any foam that comes to the top, and reduce heat to low. Simmer for 30 minutes. Add sea salt to taste.
This usually makes a big enough batch to drink over the course of several days, which you can distribute into jars and refrigerate. This makes it easy to grab a jar, warm it up, put it in a thermos for the day and go. I don't use it to replace meals, but rather sip it throughout the day to satisfy some hunger while still eating normally. It can take the place of snacks, too. I recommend warming it up on the stove top, rather than the microwave. Enjoy, and happy detoxing!