News at TAC
There's been a lot going on here, lately. We thought we'd share all the good news.... They don't call it a "news letter" for nothin'..... (Sorry, couldn't resist!).
October's Breast Cancer Awareness Month ended more successfully than we ever could have imagined. Our plan was to donate a portion of our treatment revenue profits to our favorite local nonprofit, the Cornucopia Cancer Support Center. Thanks to all your support, we had one of our busiest months on record. We had the most new patients we've ever seen--that means your wonderful referrals brought us tons of new people who've never been to TAC before--and tons of support from all you returning patients, too. Because of that, we were able to donate just over $1300 to them! Thank you for helping us make October's Breast Cancer Awareness Month something special for our clinic, and our community!
This year the acupuncturists at TAC renewed our CPR certification. That in and of itself is not so exciting, but it inspired us to offer a special promotion last month. In November we showed our appreciation for our local first responders by offering them $35 off a new patient appointment. We enjoyed being able to give thanks to the members of our community who save lives every day.
Speaking of new patients.... Is there someone in your life who you think could benefit from acupuncture? Why not give them a Gift Certificate for Acupuncture at TAC? An acupuncture gift certificate is the perfect way to give the gift of health by sharing the benefits of acupuncture. They're available at both clinics, and you can pick them up at the front desk now!
The TAC 10 Year Anniversary T-shirt contest is still on! Not to worry, if you gave us your suggestion we still have it. It's just that we received so many awesome suggestions, we thought we'd keep it open for a little longer. And the ideas keep coming! So if you've got an idea for a short and empowering statement for our TAC T-shirt contest, send it to us!