Ask the Acupuncturist

Question: How exactly does Chinese Medicine treat seasonal allergies?


Everything is blooming! The dogwoods! The pear trees! The grass! It's that time of year again and our phones are ringing with people calling to get help with their seasonal allergies. Sneezing, coughing, nose-blowing; sounds that are as synonymous with spring as birds at sunrise!

Acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine have been proven to help alleviate the symptoms of allergies when they are active and more importantly, can help to correct the immune system imbalance that causes the allergic response in the first place.

Acupuncture treatment specifically affects allergies in 4 main ways:

  1. Stabilizes the immune system to moderate its response to invading allergens.

  2. Decreases swelling and inflammation of local tissues to stop itching.

  3. Decreases secretions of mucus membranes to reduce nasal discharge and watery eyes.

  4. Strengthens your natural resistance to antigens.

Acupuncture points are selected based on your individual constellation of signs and symptoms. The focus of each treatment will be on relieving the troubling symptoms while simultaneously helping your body stop the allergic cascade. Certain acupuncture points have been shown to enhance the immune system’s performance. Although allergy season is already upon us, it is helpful to use acupuncture and herbs preventatively, when you are not having allergy problems. But it's not too late to benefit from treatment if your symptoms have already begun. Treatments will help open the nasal passages, dry up phlegm, and stop coughing and wheezing--you should feel better even after your first treatment! In addition, your acupuncturist can help you address any lifestyle habits that may be working against you and your immune system such as diet, lack of exercise and poor sleep.

Herbal medicine can also be used to alleviate your allergy symptoms. Your acupuncturist chooses an herbal formula based on your individual symptoms—this means that each patient receives different herbs for their varying complaints. For instance, a person with allergies that cause a runny nose and watery eyes will receive a different formula than someone who primarily complains of a headache and stuffy nose. More often than not, a person with allergies will benefit greatly from combined acupuncture and herbal therapy which should not cause any side effects if they are administered properly. Herbs are medicine that you can use daily, between acupuncture treatments, to sustain the effects of treatment and continually combat symptoms. Herbs can also be used safely in conjunction with western medicine treatment such as allergy shots or medication.

So have no fear this season when you walk outside and see the pollen floating in the air. You have a mighty tool in your back pocket to help you through the worst of your allergies if you should need it--Chinese Medicine!

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