TAC Turns 10!

TAC will be 10 years old in March! In preparation for this big event, we are going to design t-shirts and we need help thinking of a great t-shirt slogan. We've decided to make it a contest and get our patients involved. Starting in October, submit your ideas for our Triangle Acupuncture Clinic T-Shirt slogan to the front desk. Or you can email your ideas to info@triangleacupunctureclinic.com. We're looking for a simple message, something meaningful or empowering. If we choose your idea, you can win a free "Wellness Bundle"--a month's supply of high-quality supplements: a multi-vitamin, fish oils, and a probiotic, and of course, a free t-shirt!
We'll run the contest through October and have the t-shirts ready at the start of 2014 (We can hardly believe it's just around the corner!). Thanks for helping us to design a great shirt that everyone would want to wear!