Vote for TAC, Best of the Triangle!

Having celebrated our tenth year last year, we have been fortunate to treat and learn about the lives of many people in our community. It is an honor to be a part of the healing journey for so many people, who share with us their stories and the trials and tribulations of their illnesses. We get to see whole families, and their friends, as they transform everything from back pain to infertility; from seasonal allergies to the side-effects of chemotherapy. And because of our patients, we've been honored to win several community awards over the years--from the Best New Business by the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce in 2005, to the Independent Weekly's Best of the Trianle three years in a row.
Winning the Independent Weekly award is a particular honor as votes are cast from all over the Triangle to nominate their favorite businesses and service providers. Please vote for TAC again this year and tell everyone in the Triangle that you love acupuncture, and where you go to get it. It not only helps TAC, but your vote might inspire others to try acupuncture, too!