Integrative Microneedling

Our Integrative Microneedling treatments are designed to revolutionize your skin and deliver transformative results! At Triangle Acupuncture Clinic, we use the state-of-the-art Procell MD Microneedling device, to create tiny, clean, microscopic channels in the skin, causing little to no discomfort or down-time. The Procell MD device far exceeds the results of a typical microneedling pen and addresses a wide range of skin concerns, from aging and acne to hair restoration.

The Procell MD Microneedling device is the most cutting-edge microneedling technology. Where a typical microneedling pen is dragged across the skin causing tears, the Procell MD device uses a higher number of needles per head and is designed to deliver uniform microchannels in the skin through a vertical stamping motion. This increased number of vertical channels into the skin initiates a healing response that creates new collagen and elastin while providing access for specialized human growth factor serums to penetrate. The serums used in a Procell MD treatment are derived from bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells which are known to promote scarless healing in an anti-inflammatory environment and guide our cells into generating stronger, healthier, more youthful skin. Over the course of 4 weeks the stem cells work to heal the skin, and the appearance of scarring improves, fine lines and wrinkles diminish, and skin looks and feels brighter, more luminous, and healthy.

All skin types benefit from Procell MD microneedling, and it is especially helpful for issues in people with darker skin types since microneedling does not disrupt melanocytes like lasers do. Procell MD treatments can be given every 4 weeks and a series of 4-8 treatments may be recommended depending on your skin concerns. Read more below!

Skin Conditions that most benefit from Integrative Procell MD Microneedling treatments:

  • Reduces and smooths scars
  • Soften wrinkles and lines
  • Strengthen skin, increase collagen & reduce crepiness
  • Even out skin tone / smooth hyperpigmentation
  • Tighten pores
  • Treat active acne and acne scarring
  • Treats rosacea
  • Regenerate hair follicles to combat hair loss

With Integrative Procell MD Microneedling, you’re getting much more than a standard microneedling treatment. Our treatments support the whole person — body, mind and spirit — leaving you feeling more balanced, energized, and grounded. A treatment includes a cleansing and nourishing facial, jade rollers to encourage blood circulation, and acupuncture needles or seeds to stimulate energy flow and deep relaxation.


Does it hurt? Those new to Integrative Microneedling may wonder if it’s painful. When appropriate, we use a clean numbing cream or full spectrum CBD oil to numb the treatment area to ensure a comfortable experience.  The feeling of microneedling is a vibrational, buzzing, slightly prickly sensation. Once you are used to the feeling, patients often describe the treatments as invigorating, tingly and even ticklish. We expect there to be redness initially after the treatment but that will diminish within a couple hours and into the next day.

Why get Microneedling at Triangle Acupuncture instead of my esthetician? Most estheticians actually use a nano-needling pen. Micro-needling requires a special license in North Carolina to use since it can permeate deeper into the dermis layer of the skin. The Procell MD microneedling device uses a vertical stamping motion that creates uniformly distributed channels without causing skin tearing, leading to reduced discomfort and much quicker recovery times. The treatment itself is quicker due to wider tips covering more surface area. Our Integrative Microneedling treatments provide superior results with even channels and human growth factor serums delivered by a skilled acupuncturist. We support the whole person and incorporate constitutional, dietary, and stress reduction techniques and suggestions so patients feel more balanced and energized.

How long does it take to see results from a Microneedling treatment?  On the day of your microneedling treatment your face will at first be red and sun kissed, and that should diminish within 2-24 hours. Over the next week we recommend continuing to apply our aftercare human growth factor serums to deeply nourish and stimulate the skin to produce plumping and firming collagen and elastin proteins. We will guide you on incorporating other facial serums and/or facial rejuvenation acupuncture treatments depending on your skin condition and goals over the following 3 weeks. The benefits of the microneedling and stem cell serums will be most noticeable at the end of the 4 weeks.

How many Microneedling treatments do I need? A series of 4-8 microneedling treatments spaced 4-6 weeks apart is typical and will depend on the treatment goals whether it be softening wrinkles or correcting scarring and hyperpigmentation. Microneedling treatments for Hair Loss are performed every 2 weeks for 3-6 months. After a series of treatments is completed, results can be maintained with treatments every 3-6 months.

What can a microneedling treatment Not do? The Procell microneedling treatments work on the surface of the skin to help repair wrinkles, scarring, crepiness, and discoloration. If you also have sagging skin, you may need additional facial acupuncture treatments that work on a deeper level to improve muscle tone in between microneedling. Microneedling and facial acupuncture treatment is not as dramatic as a surgical facelift, but it is a minimally invasive, all-natural method to correct many common issues with aging skin. Results are best achieved with a series of microneedling sessions spaced 4 weeks apart, not just one treatment. 

Conditions that are contraindicated for Microneedling:

  1. Pregnancy
  2. Uncontrolled Diabetes due to heightened risk of delayed healing and secondary infections.bsp;
  3. Uncontrolled Immune Disorders due to heightened risk of secondary infections.bsp;
  4. Hemophilia
  5. Active Herpes Simplex
  6. Pustular, nodular rosacea or weeping eczema
  7. Uncontrolled & frequent migraines or headaches
  8. Melanoma or other forms of skin cancer
  9. Tattoos – microneedling over tattoos may lighten them
  10. Prior allergic reactions to treatments. We use all organic, natural cleansers and serums during microneedling treatments and can review ingredients with you before your scheduled visit.

To schedule an Integrative Microneedling treatment, please call our Raleigh office at 919-854-7311. We will help you get scheduled and can arrange a 10-minute phone consultation with one of our providers if you have further questions. 


$400 | 60 minutes

This treatment combines a facial with microneedling and acupuncture/ acupressure. First, we cleanse and exfoliate the skin, then apply a full-spectrum CBD serum for a numbing effect, use jade rollers to increase circulation and acupuncture or acupressure for relaxation. We apply our specialized growth factor serum to the skin when performing the microneedling treatment to deliver ultimate results.


$210 | 60 minutes

Facial rejuvenation acupuncture is a specialized acupuncture treatment focusing on the skin of the face and underlying issues that may be contributing to sagging or discoloration. Each facial rejuvenation treatment includes elements of a facial such as cleansing, exfoliating, and application of serums to address individual concerns. Body points are supportive while acupuncture points in targeted areas of the face can improve muscle tone, improve collagen production, and increase circulation for overall more youthful looking skin. The face is very vascular and facial acupuncture does come with a possibility of bruising. 


$1,750 $1,650 Special Introductory Offer - through November & December 2024

2 Microneedling treatments spaced once/month>

5 Facial Rejuvenation treatments weekly or biweekly in between microneedling

*Must use package within 6 weeks from date of purchase for optimal results

***Things to remember before your Microneedling appointment:

  1. Wait 2 weeks following Botox, fillers, laser hair removal, chemical peels before doing Microneedling.
  2. We cannot microneedle over moles, skin tags, keloid scars, or raised skin lesions and they will be avoided during treatment.
  3. Discontinue serums and creams containing high amounts of Vitamin C before and the week following Microneedling treatment.
  4. Accutane must be discontinued for 6 months before microneedling.
  5. Microdermabrasion and dermaplaning are safe to do 2 weeks after Microneedling.
  6. You will want to avoid heavy sweating and direct sun exposure for 24 hours following microneedling.