3 Suggestions for Feeling Calm During Stressful Times

Most of us have a little extra time on our hands without commuting or running errands every day. We also have a bit of extra stress and worry throughout these long quarantine days. So – what do we do to take advantage of the extra time and make it productive for reducing stress? Here are 3 of my favorites that I do at least every day, sometimes all three in one day if I need it!
Yoga With Adriene
A treasure on YouTube, Yoga with Adriene is an amazing resource for free at-home yoga. Adriene has been making these free videos for many years and you can’t believe all of the content she offers. Her yoga is for all levels, all bodies and she makes it enjoyable with her fun-loving personality. You will breathe deep and you will probably giggle a couple times too.
Insight Timer
Insight Timer is one of the best free meditation apps you can download from the app store onto your phone with no regrets. Calm your subconscious worry-brain with easy guided meditations. These don’t require any “trying to meditate” efforts, you just get comfortable and listen. They have added a bunch of topical stress meditations to listen to right now. So many options to choose from, ranging from 5 minutes to an hour. Easiest way to reclaim your breath and feel restored.
Qi Gong with Lee Holden
A friend and fellow classmate from our graduate school program in Acupuncture, Lee Holden has been teaching qi gong for more than 25 years. His style of qi gong blends exercise with relaxing, fun, contemporary and effective qi gong movements. Suitable for all ages, it is a fun thing to do with kids that instills some calm and body-awareness. You will be glad you tried this and will likely become a Lee Holden fan for life! He released a Free Immunity Emergency Kit that you can find at www.holdenqigong.com. You can also find Lee Holden on YouTube and try some of his exercises there.
We’d love to here what you are doing to stay well during these long few weeks! Feel free to respond to this post and share with our group. Thank you and in Health and Wellness,