Qi Gong for Health

By Toby Helmstetter, LAc

If you've been coming to see me for acupuncture, you may have heard me tout the benefits of Qi Gong. Qi gong is a form of excercise performed by a person to enhance, vitalize, and strengthen their energy. "Qi" means energy, and is described as the motivating force behind all our body's actions. Qi is what allows us to open our eyes in the morning, makes our heart beat, our lungs breathe and our muscles move. "Gong" means work, and qi gong is the act of working our energy, directing it, exercising it, and balancing it. The benfits of qi gong can be found all over the web--Deepak Chopra, Dr. Oz, and Dr. Andrew Weil have all promoted Qi Gong as an important piece in the overall puzzle to create life-long health. 

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May Product of the Month

By Tory Wegner, LAc, DiplOM

Do you suffer from painful menstrual cramps?  This is a common problem and is experienced by most women at some point, but for others it can be very intense and something they dread every month!  Chinese Medicine has been treating women’s health for thousands of years so there is a lot of evidence about how effective acupuncture and herbal treatment can be at treating painful periods (dysmenorrhea).

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Products and Specials

Just Relax!

By Katherine Rowe, LAc

Do the words, “just relax,” have the opposite effect on you?  That’s because when your body is in the full-on hormone frenzy that is our stress-mode, it is virtually impossible to “just relax.”  If you’re reading this, you have probably already experienced how wonderfully relaxing an acupuncture session is.  I mean, seriously, not much comes close to the deep, full body relaxation you get after a good acupuncture treatment. 

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Hologram: Where Microcosm Meets Macrocosm

By Jennifer Kapraun, LAc

Last week my favorite coffee shop was serving a blend called "Hologram".  As I sipped from my cup, distinct flavors: blueberry, toast, sour, chocolate, bitter, would emerge and then recede and then merge again into the flavor we call "coffee".  That cup of coffee was, in a word, heavenly.  Drinking "Hologram" made me think of one of the central principles of Chinese Medicine:  each part is contained within the whole and the image of the whole is reflected within the confines of each part.

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Vote for TAC, Best of the Triangle!

Having celebrated our tenth year last year, we have been fortunate to treat and learn about the lives of many people in our community. It is an honor to be a part of the healing journey for so many people, who share with us their stories and the trials and tribulations of their illnesses. We get to see whole families, and their friends, as they transform everything from back pain to infertility; from seasonal allergies to the side-effects of chemotherapy. And because of our patients, we've been honored to win several community awards over the years--from the Best New Business by the Chapel Hill-Carrboro Chamber of Commerce in 2005, to the Independent Weekly's Best of the Trianle three years in a row.

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Clinic News

How to Clarify Butter

By Kalpana Dwarikesh

Being intolerant of milk, and because I like the the lovely light nutty taste, I use ghee as a staple in my cooking. It actually is a healthy fat. Unsalted butter (preferably grass fed) is lightly boiled which separates the milk solids (casein & whey) and impurities, leaving butter that is clarified.

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Is Cosmetic Acupuncture Right for You?

By Toby Helmstetter, LAc

Cosmetic acupuncture is a virtually painless, non-surgical method of reducing the signs of the aging process. The technique uses acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine to erase years off of the face. Based on the principles of Oriental Medicine, it helps the whole body look and feel younger by addressing the physical, mental and emotional patterns that cause disease and contribute to the aging process.

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March Product of the Month

By Tory Wegner, LAc, DiplOM

​COQ10 is found in the mitochondria of every cell in the body and plays a role in energy production needed for cellular growth and maintanence.   It also functions as an antioxidant, which means it protects the body from damage caused by harmful molecules.  COQ10 is being studied for multiple conditions including heart disease, but of particular interest at TAC is it’s role for men and women with fertility issues.

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Products and Specials

February Product of the Month

By Tory Wegner, LAc, Dipl OM Fish oil is one of the top selling supplements in the U.S., and with good reason!  Fish oils contain omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and…

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Products and Specials
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