By Toby Helmstetter, LAc
If you've been coming to see me for acupuncture, you may have heard me tout the benefits of Qi Gong. Qi gong is a form of excercise performed by a person to enhance, vitalize, and strengthen their energy. "Qi" means energy, and is described as the motivating force behind all our body's actions. Qi is what allows us to open our eyes in the morning, makes our heart beat, our lungs breathe and our muscles move. "Gong" means work, and qi gong is the act of working our energy, directing it, exercising it, and balancing it. The benfits of qi gong can be found all over the web--Deepak Chopra, Dr. Oz, and Dr. Andrew Weil have all promoted Qi Gong as an important piece in the overall puzzle to create life-long health.
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