February Product of the Month

By Tory Wegner, LAc, Dipl OM Fish oil is one of the top selling supplements in the U.S., and with good reason!  Fish oils contain omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and…

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Products and Specials

Dry Needling is Acupuncture

By Chris Helmstetter, LAc We get many questions from patients asking us how dry needling is different from acupuncture.  Physical therapists claim that dry needling is not acupuncture because it…

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Clinic News

Naturally Detoxifying Vegetable Broth

By Toby Helmstetter, LAc

After all the sweets and partying, staying up late and exhaustion, I can't tell you how many people want to "detox" after the holidays. Chinese medicine is not a big fan of fasting, juicing, or herbal detoxification, especially in winter when our bodies need warmth and support, not deprivation. Bieler's Broth is a simple, delicious vegetable soup that naturally detoxifies as it nourishes.

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Get Organized, for Real: The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up

By Jennifer Kapraun, LAc

New Year's is upon us again.  Time to reflect on our goals, plans, and intentions for the coming year.  If your New Year's resolutions include getting more organized or creating a more peaceful, beautiful and healthful home, consider reading The Life-changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo.

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January Product of the Month

By Tory Wegner, LAc, Dipl OM

Are you feeling sluggish from all the holiday treats?  Is your digestive system not running smoothly?  Are you experiencing reflux, constipation, or loose stool?  If so, you might benefit from supplementing with a probiotic.

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Products and Specials

Holiday News at TAC

Massage Gift Certificates on Sale Now The best gift you can give is the gift of health. And an even better gift might be the gift of relaxation! For the holidays, you can purchase a sweet deal on…

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Clinic News

December Product of the Month

By Tory Wegner, LAc, Dilpl OM Triangle Acupuncture Clinic was proud to celebrate our 10th anniversary this year. To show our gratitude to our patients and spread the news that acupuncture works, we…

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Products and Specials

Disease Theory and Progression in Chinese Medicine

By Toby Helmstetter, LAc

Every year, most people get at least one, and sometimes several, colds. Sometimes, especially in the winter, it may feel like there's a never ending string of colds, and it's easy to spend more time feeling sick or fighting off sickness, than feeling well. Our western paradigm gives us good information to help us understand what is happening when we continue to get sick--weak immunity coupled with strong pathogens and repeated exposure creates continual sickness. I thought I'd share with you, in honor of cold and flu season, what the disease paradigm looks like in Chinese medicine, and how to use that model to help you overcome colds and prevent recurrence.

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Now Carrying: Conceivable Tinctures

By Tory Wegner, LAc, diplomat OM

Triangle Acupuncture Clinic has been one of a handful of acupuncture fertility clinics around the country to be the initial testers of a new line of herbal products focused on men and women’s fertility, as well as test a new fertility app tracker for your smartphone or tablet called “Conceivable.”  We are pleased to be able to offer our patients the most cutting edge technology as well as a high quality and effective line of herbal tinctures based on the latest research in treating fertility.

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Clinic News

November Product of the Month

By Tory Wegner, LAc, diplomat OM

It’s flu season again and nobody wants to feel the miserable fatigue, aches, and nausea that comes along with it.  Not to mention missing work, school, or holiday fun because of it!  Flu ban is an effective homeopathic product that helps combat the cold and flu virus. 

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Products and Specials

Deepak Chopra’s FREE Guided Meditation

By Tory Wegner, LAc, diplomat OM

Do you ever run around throughout your day without even a minute to breathe or gather your thoughts?  Have you tried going to sleep at night and you can’t seem to shut your mind off?  Mediation is a tool that can be used to help you quiet your mind and feel more connected to your body.  It has been used across many cultures for centuries.

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