October Product of the Month

By Tory Wegner, LAc It’s cold and flu season! Here are two must-have herbal essentials that can help you combat the cold and flu, minimize symptoms, maximize your body’s ability to fight off the…

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Ask the Acupuncturist

Question: I once saw an acupuncturist who used a small black tool to scrape across my back. He said it would help my back pain and it did, amazingly! What was that and do you guys do it? Answer: Your…

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September Product of the Month

By Tory Wegner, LAc Power Mushrooms are one of my favorite products! It’s a formula that was created by a Chinese herbalist and it contains 4 different varieties of medicinal mushrooms (Reishi/ling…

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Introducing Jennifer Kapraun, LAc

There's a new acupuncturist at TAC! Jennifer Kapraun is an experienced practitioner who brings her great skill to our Chapel Hill office two days a week. Like many of us at TAC, she studied…

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August Product of the Month

By Tory Wegner, LAc It’s back to school for most kids and that means they are bringing home lots of extra germs. One easy way to maximize your health is by taking a daily multivitamin. There are a…

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Yoga Corner:  Listen to Your Body

By Wilderness Cowan, CYT The word Yoga means “union” in Sanskrit, this union involving the oneness between the mind and body. Yoga is about creating body awareness and cultivating a connection to…

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Ask the Acupuncturist

Question: Can you fix me? Answer: I love this question! Actually, in the treatment room, this is something we get asked quite often. Something we'd all like to answer with a resounding "YES!" But I…

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July Product of the Month

By Tory Wegner, LAc It’s a hot and beautiful summer here in North Carolina and I hope everyone is taking advantage of the abundance of fresh and local produce at our wonderful farmer’s…

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Change Your Response—Change Your Life

By Linda Hill, CH What do we do when we feel uncomfortable emotions? Most of us join a “club” to alleviate this discomfort. Here’s what I mean: Something like an argument with someone important…

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June Product of the Month

By Tory Wegner, LAc Everyone is gearing up for summer fun…everything from camping, boating, hiking to biking and rock climbing! With all the adventurous activities, people are more prone to getting…

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Ask the Acupuncturist

Question: When I look at my tongue in the mirror, all I can tell is that it looks bad! What do you see when you look at someone's tongue?" Answer: The tongue is a very important diagnostic tool in…

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