With the fairly mild and rainy winter, this allergy season is turning out to be a doozy. Please don’t suffer untreated – we have herbal options to relieve your…
This is the #1 most FAQ we get by far. And we do understand it – most of us don’t love getting shots and IVs put in when we have to either BUT acupuncture needles are nothing like…
Is there anyone left out there that doesn’t have upper back and neck tension? After a year of trying to work at home, craning our heads trying to see our laptop screens or better yet…
March is Endometriosis Awareness Month We’d like to take a pause to honor every woman struggling with the symptoms of endometriosis. So often overlooked and underserved, this is a…
In Chinese Medicine, the Heart takes on the role of Emperor which means that it is the leader in charge of coordinating all activity in the body – physical, mental, emotional and…
Ear massage is an ancient Chinese secret to bringing more relaxation into your life. Just start at the top and roll the outer edge of your ear between your thumb and first…
It’s finally 2021! Sure there are still mega-stressors to contend with. But even in very hard times and deep suffering, the principles of Yin and Yang teach us that you always have…
In a year that seems to be mostly just an accumulation of stress, most of us have lost our way with eating, exercising and getting good sleep. Because the holidays are coming and…
An entire pharmacy of Chinese Herbal medicine is here to support you if you're feeling sick this fall. We have herbal options to help alleviate stuffy head and sinuses, coughs, and even to prevent…
Right before we closed due to Covid-19, we were lucky enough to welcome aboard a new acupuncturist in Chapel Hill that brings with him an impressive array of professional skills as well as being an…
Most of us have a little extra time on our hands without commuting or running errands every day. We also have a bit of extra stress and worry throughout these long quarantine days. So…
Anxiety is running high right now with the fear of getting sick from coronavirus. The best way to deal with this worry is to have a plan and stick to it. We wanted to share our…