Celebrating Men’s Health in June

Does a man in your life suffer from bad knees, ankles, hips, or shoulders? Chronic pain, usually due to injuries from playing sports in their youth, can follow men into mid-life and prevent them from sticking with healthy exercise routines. Like a snowball effect, this in turn makes it hard for men to maintain a healthy weight through their 40’s and 50’s and can lead to conditions involving heart and brain health.
Acupuncture can address chronic pain, reduce anxiety and help improve sleep quality giving your man a boost in his efforts to maintain a healthy exercise routine at all ages. Most men are also happy to find that acupuncture can address other issues like low libido or erectile dysfunction as well.
Acupuncture points that are used to treat men’s health are the same ones we use to treat most health conditions. Most of the time points are selected on the arms and legs, head and even the ears! Needles are never inserted in reproductive organs or places that any individual finds uncomfortable. Our goal is to help you feel good and your comfort during treatment is our #1 priority.
If you know of a man who needs some acupuncture, we are here to help in both the Chapel Hill and Raleigh locations! We also have gift certificates available for purchase, click here.