August Product of the Month and Staying Connected on Facebook

August Product of the Month
By Tory Wegner, LAc
Summer activities like vacations, camping, boating, and hiking are in full swing. With all the fun and adventurous activities going on, people are showing up in the clinic with minor sprains, bruises, and muscle aches. While most people just deal with the symptoms or maybe take an Alleve or Ibuprofen, there are natural ways to lessen the pain and speed up healing time. Two products that everyone needs to have stocked in their medicine cabinet are oral and topical Traumeel.
Traumeel is a homeopathic anti-inflammatory that is composed of natural ingredients and is very effective at:
·Relieving muscle aches, pain, and bruising
·Decreasing inflammation
·Speeding up healing time after an injury, accident, or surgery
·Decreasing pain from acute injury, repetitive use injury, or arthritic conditions
Here are a few examples of different situations where Traumeel comes in handy. For an ankle sprain or acute injury you should take Traumeel tabs (orally) and apply topical cream to the affected area as soon as possible after the sprain happens and continue for several days. This is going to minimize the swelling, bruising, and pain and can help the tissue heal much quicker then if left untreated. I’ve seen bad sprains heal as quickly as one week; this is fast for a sprain! Or lets say you’re on the computer all the time and have chronic tension in your neck and shoulders, rub some Traumeel on there before bed and wake up with more relaxed muscles. If you have a repetitive sports injury like tennis elbow or golfers elbow, the oral Traumeel can be used in place of an over-the-counter medicine and the topical form can be applied regularly to help heal the tendon. You can start to see how useful these products are and I keep them stocked at my house because I never know when I’ll need them!
To keep everyone in the game this summer, Traumeel products are 10% off for the month of August!
These statements are not intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease or condition
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