Have you been hearing the buzz about drinking Golden Milk to cure almost everything? This beverage’s main ingredient is turmeric, the spice that is responsible for the yellow color of many curry dishes. In the clinic, our patients who experiment with taking turmeric for chronic pain have had great results. Turmeric’s active component, curcumin, has over 600 health benefits ranging from anti-inflammatory to anti-carcinogenic. It has been used to promote digestive health, regulate metabolism and weight, maintain cholesterol levels, boost memory and brain function and boost immunity. So now that we’ve established that everyone over the age of 5 needs to start drinking Golden Milk pronto, here is our beloved Nital with her family’s recipe. She started drinking Golden Milk as a kid growing up in India and still makes it each night before bed.
The hardest part of sticking to a low carb or healthier way of eating is many times more about boredom than it is cheating. Here are two great Tahini sauces that contribute different delicious flavors to vegetable staples like broccoli, green beans, sautéed greens, sweet potatoes, raw veggies and salads. Both of these sauces will make eating raw, steamed or roasted vegetables flavorful and exciting again. The bonus is that Tahini is derived from ground sesame seeds, imparting all kinds of healthy fats and nutrition to keep you full and satisfied.
After the holidays, we're all feeling a little digestive overwhelm. Pretty much everyone feels like they consumed way too much sugar, way too much alcohol, and just way too much in general. Not only that, but the winter weather, more parties and less sleep mean more exposure to colds and flu, so our immune systems could use a little boost. What better way to fix all those problems than some homemade chicken broth?
Ancient civilizations and cultures around the world knew that a good soup stock was the key to health. Not only do they add rich and wonderful flavors to our meals, they are extremely nutritious, adding protein, electrolytes and vital minerals like calcium, magnesium and potassium to our diet. A home-made stock is invaluable—add them to stir-fries, cooking water for rice or vegetables, sauces and more—and offer ways of getting more nutrition out of your food, without spending extra money. Not only that, having home-made stocks at home is the time-tested, best way to treat a little one’s cold or flu (our grandmothers new a thing or two about that didn’t they?)! A prepared or packaged broth is often inferior because they may contain sugars, too much sodium, vegetable oils or thickening agents, all of which may detract from, or even denature, the meals to which they are added.
Congee is a very basic traditional food that people in China and across Asia have been eating for thousands of years. The basic rice porridge is easy to digest and serves as the perfect medium for medicinal foods.
This bright green, crunchy salad is bursting with Asian flavors and is so easy to make and is perfect for summer. Green beans are in the height of their season right now--look for fresh, plump organic green beans at the farmer’s market. Ginger, well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties, is also considered a helpful addition to your diet in the hot months of summer. The warmth of ginger helps to prevent summer colds, and warms the digestive system as we introduce colder and less cooked foods.
Raitha is a very common dish in India and can be a side dish or condiment. It is a blend of thick yogurt with various vegetables, herbs and spices. It is used as a dip for Indian flat breads as well as being served and mixed alongside curries, pulaos, kabobs, falafel pitas, and/or anything spicy. The yogurt, cucumber and tomatoes soothe the palate to balance the heat.
Being intolerant of milk, and because I like the the lovely light nutty taste, I use ghee as a staple in my cooking. It actually is a healthy fat. Unsalted butter (preferably grass fed) is lightly boiled which separates the milk solids (casein & whey) and impurities, leaving butter that is clarified.