Summer in a Glass

Purple Berry Basil Smoothie

Are you loving the cherries this summer?  This recipe combines the best of summer – strawberries, cherries and basil in one yummy smoothie recipe.  Don’t be afraid of the basil, it tastes amazing in this sweet blend of summer fruit.  As an added bonus, fresh basil contains anti-inflammatory compounds and is a great source of magnesium, iron, calcium, vitamin C and potassium.  With a tablespoon of chia seeds you get essential fatty acids making this drink nutritious as well as delish. 


¼ cup loosely packed fresh basil

1 Tbsp chia seeds or ground flax seeds

¾ cup fresh or frozen pitted cherries

½ cup fresh or frozen strawberries

1 cup almond milk or more if you want


Add everything in the blender and blend until smooth.  Enjoy!

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