January Product of the Month

Fish oil is one of the top selling supplements in the U.S., and with good reason! Fish oils contain omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahecaenoic acid (DHA). EPA and DHA are called “essential fatty acids,” which means that the body needs them but can’t produce them on it’s own, so the fats must be consumed to help the body operate properly. Even if you eat fish regularly, it’s a good idea to take a fish oil supplement to ensure adequate amounts.
The reason fish oil is so popular is because it supports the body in many ways, including decreasing inflammation in the body, lubricating joints, supporting healthy glucose levels, and promoting cardiovascular health. Both the American Heart Association and National Institute of Health acknowledge the benefits of supplementing with fish oil for overall heart health for conditions like high triglycerides, cardiovascular disease, and high blood pressure. But…fish oil isn’t just good for the heart, it’s being studied in a wide variety of other conditions including depression, anxiety, Alzheimer’s disease, cancer, lupus, and macular degeneration to name a few!
Since fish oil is processed from fish, there is concern about quality and contamination, mainly mercury and PCB’s. This is why it’s crucial to pick a good quality fish oil supplement. No need to worry, we’ve already done the work for you and Triangle Acupuncture only picks fish oils that are rigorously tested and of the highest quality.
Nordic Naturals ProOmega is one of our favorites, which is a quality product that provides some of the highest levels of EPA and DHA on the market. This is a pill form of fish oil so there is no taste or yucky “fish burps.” Nordic Naturals uses sustainable fishing practices and is third party tested for purity and potency and is a very reputable company.
Considering all the benefits of fish oil, if you aren’t already taking a supplement or are concerned about the quality of your current fish oil, stop into the clinic today and pick up a bottle of ProOmega Fish oil.
For the month of January, Nordic Naturals ProOmega is 10% off!
These statements are not intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any illness.
People with bleeding disorders or who are taking blood thinners should not supplement with fish oil.