November Product of the Month

By Tory Wegner, LAc, diplomat OM
It’s flu season again and nobody wants to feel the miserable fatigue, aches, and nausea that comes along with it. Not to mention missing work, school, or holiday fun because of it! Flu ban is an effective homeopathic product that helps combat the cold and flu virus.
You should start taking flu ban at the first sign of the onset of a cold or flu and take two tablets 4 times per day along with drinking plenty of fluids and (sipping on broth). Most people experience relief from symptoms within a few hours and are not bedridden for days! Once you start feeling better it’s important to take all 24 capsules in the bottle to ensure that the virus is eradicated. One bottle is considered a course of treatment.
Flu ban is something I always have on hand and also take with me when I travel…just in case. Don’t wait! Be sure to get a bottle or two at your next visit so you can be prepared the moment you start feeling sick.
During the month of November Flu Ban is 10% off
These statements are not intended to diagnose, cure, or treat any disease or illness