Back to School Anxiety

Hard to believe we’re here again, worried about sending our kids to school amid a pandemic.  Many things have gotten better, we know the importance of masks and vaccines have brought some…

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Wellness Tips, Chinese Herbal Medicine

What Can Acupuncture Be Used For?

We are still researching all the ways acupuncture points affect the body, but we do know that acupuncture stimulates the nervous system directly.  Acupuncture’s actions on the peripheral…

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Celebrating Men’s Health in June

Does a man in your life suffer from bad knees, ankles, hips, or shoulders? Chronic pain, usually due to injuries from playing sports in their youth, can follow men into mid-life and prevent them from…

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Acupuncture, Wellness Tips, Chinese Herbal Medicine

Help for Insomnia

Do you love sleep?  Or like many people, do you dread the frustration of going to bed and suffering from wakefulness and interrupted sleep?  In 2014, the CDC declared sleep deprivation to be…

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Acupuncture, Wellness Tips, Chinese Herbal Medicine

Allergies?  We Can Help!

With the fairly mild and rainy winter, this allergy season is turning out to be a doozy.  Please don’t suffer untreated – we have herbal options to relieve your…

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Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine

Does Acupuncture Hurt?

This is the #1 most FAQ we get by far.  And we do understand it – most of us don’t love getting shots and IVs put in when we have to either BUT acupuncture needles are nothing like…

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How to Manage Endometriosis Pain Naturally

March is Endometriosis Awareness Month We’d like to take a pause to honor every woman struggling with the symptoms of endometriosis.  So often overlooked and underserved, this is a…

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Chinese Herbal Medicine, Women’s Health
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