Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS as it is widely known, is an infertility diagnosis that has risen significantly in the past several years. While the cause of the disorder is still not…
It’s that time of year again, back to school and often a more grueling weekly routine. This is also the time of year that more viruses start to make their rounds through schools and…
Body Care Products Body creams and lotions that we rub into our skin can contain high amounts of xenoextrogens. The big problem is that many of these estrogenic chemicals are introduced topically and…
Plastic Most plastics until just recently contained a chemical known as bisphenol-A, a potent xenoestrogen (substance that mimics estrogen and binds to estrogen receptors in our body). The main…
Many of the chemicals commonly used in processed foods, smell-good body care products, air fresheners and plastics are now recognized as “hormone disruptors.” This means that…
Day 6: Part Two: Self Care Strategies Continued Mindfulness and Solitude There are two ways to wash the dishes. The first is to wash the dishes in order to have clean dishes and the second is to wash…
I got so excited writing about this series that I had to break the all the information into this last day into two parts! I want to begin the final part in this series by expressing my gratitude for…
Day 5: Self Integrity: Being responsible about your wellbeing The concept of taking care of ourselves isn’t to be stressed about the things we have to cut out of--or add into--our lives.…
Day 4: Buckets We’ve unpacked a lot so far, and hopefully shifted your perspective a little (maybe a lot!). Now I want to show you some practices that can help you get clear on where to begin,…
Day 3: The Way of Self Care So now that we’ve expressed some gratitude for being gifted with this life, it’s time to take ownership of it! But how do we become aligned with self care as…
Day 2: Don’t make time. Make priorities! Time is time is time. Although some would argue that we made it all up, we’ve all agreed to the basic construct of time. Twenty-four hours in a…
This month, we’ve been talking about self-care as a general theme on our blog, and our social media channels. In this last week of January, I want to put all the concepts of self care together…