Do you want more insurance coverage for acupuncture?
Do you think Medicare/Medicaid should cover acupuncture?
Would you like to see Acupuncturists working in hospitals?
Does our healthcare system need more coordination with Complementary and Alternative Medicine?
A new program launched by the North Carolina Association of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCAAOM) is going to directly tackle these issues.
Ready for fall allergy and cold season? We are 100% committed to making this the year you stay on top of your immune system and have an easier time with your sinuses. From acupuncture to herbal remedies to even things like cupping, we can help you keep your body healthy and happy no matter what the allergy and cold season throws your way.
3 Things You Can Do to Boost Immunity this Fall
Do you tell your doctor that you get acupuncture and how it helps you? Seeking acupuncture for chronic back or joint pain is common nowadays, but most people don’t mention it to their doctors. A study published in The American Journal of Managed Care in July 2015 found through surveys that a majority of people in an HMO were using acupuncture and/or chiropractic care irrespective of their insurance coverage in order to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. 35% of acupuncture users did not however discuss this care with their doctors at all and it wasn’t in their medical records.
Triangle Acupuncture Clinic was recently invited to Rex hospital to give a talk about treating chronic pain with acupuncture. The talk was titled, “Non-Pharmacological Interventions in Pain Management,” and our audience was the Pain Resource Nurse Team. We had a fantastic discussion about the overuse of painkillers in our state and the frustration on behalf of doctors to find another solution for these patients.
Here at Triangle Acupuncture Clinic we see an uptick of patients for knee pain, low back pain and shoulder pain every spring. This is in large part due to the impending bathing suit season and everyone dusting off their running shoes to get back out there and exercise. What makes us think that we can go from “hibernation on the couch mode” to “training for the Olympics” in just a couple of weeks?
Kalpana’s Corner
I am happy to report that after a semi-painful month of drastically reducing sugar and alcohol - I feel that I overcame a hump. Before I started this healing diet I needed to have dessert and/or alcohol every day and now I go 7 days comfortably without.